Firefawn: Tagged by Ariel!
Firefawn: Vintage Muscle
Firefawn: 7. Blythe shelf - closeup
Firefawn: 8. Blythe shelf - closeup
Firefawn: 9. Blythe shelf - closeup
Firefawn: 3. Desk
Firefawn: In the mood for a Corona...
Firefawn: I could definitely get used to this.
Firefawn: Hanging with her buddy, April :)
Firefawn: Eeeeek!
Firefawn: *kick kick* *flip flip*
Firefawn: Please don't tell her she'll never be tan like Heather Sky...
Firefawn: She insisted I upload her "artistic" shot.
Firefawn: What do you mean I'm not allowed to get wet?!
Firefawn: Just one more...
Firefawn: Grae at sunset
Firefawn: Grae at sunset
Firefawn: Grae at sunset
Firefawn: Firefawn family shots - May '09
Firefawn: Firefawn family shots - May '09
Firefawn: A stroll through the woods
Firefawn: Beatrix playing the nature girl
Firefawn: Grae feeling reflective :)
Firefawn: Taking a break
Firefawn: Devon in the sun
Firefawn: She's coming back to get us....right?
Firefawn: Squee! BRB guys....
Firefawn: Haven't we passed this spot like, 3 times now?
Firefawn: Wonder what these taste like...
Firefawn: The girls outdoors