K.Al-Qattan.: I'm standing on the lake, with nothing left to do....
K.Al-Qattan.: I Am The FasT .... ALso tHe FurSiuoS
K.Al-Qattan.: TiMe To Re$T....
K.Al-Qattan.: Windermere Lake... ;)
K.Al-Qattan.: BLackPooL...LiGhTiNG
K.Al-Qattan.: Windermere LaKe...UK
K.Al-Qattan.: I tHink iT WiLL Be RaiNinG....
K.Al-Qattan.: PeNworThaM KinGsFolD 3....
K.Al-Qattan.: PresToN...
K.Al-Qattan.: KuWaiT......Al-NuZhA
K.Al-Qattan.: End oF PhotoGraPhY daY......
K.Al-Qattan.: ReAchinG thE mooN....
K.Al-Qattan.: StoP MoMenT..... To GET FaVorS
K.Al-Qattan.: mY LoVe WiTh New ColOrZ ;) KUWAIT
K.Al-Qattan.: because we love her we have to save for her.......kuwait
K.Al-Qattan.: that's our place..... birds says
K.Al-Qattan.: caTcH oF THe DaY
K.Al-Qattan.: ---(Gold Omani boy)---
K.Al-Qattan.: <<<<*(Demolition of World)*>>>>
K.Al-Qattan.: ..............ŚūŇRĩŞë PäŕáĐĩŝė
K.Al-Qattan.: -<(working hard reaching slow)>-
K.Al-Qattan.: <<<(Some times u missed old tradition)>>>
K.Al-Qattan.: SoMe TimE u finD UR sElF sPeciAl buT iN a diFFeRenT waY.....
K.Al-Qattan.: ~<(Yellow skY iN SuNseT)>~
K.Al-Qattan.: <(BluE $KY GolD $aND)>
K.Al-Qattan.: »Вłάсk άηсЋόr Їη ά βłůə βόάт«
K.Al-Qattan.: <($ki BoarD)>
K.Al-Qattan.: waiting for water to reach ......
K.Al-Qattan.: the Cars goes rounds but the round still in same place