Harold Dawkins Photography:
Ole Tin Tub
Harold Dawkins Photography:
Harold Dawkins Photography:
Lonely Tub
Harold Dawkins Photography:
Stump ?
Harold Dawkins Photography:
LA LA Land
Harold Dawkins Photography:
La La Land Re-visited
Harold Dawkins Photography:
Stream of Wisdom
Harold Dawkins Photography:
Water Ways
Harold Dawkins Photography:
Paradise 44
Harold Dawkins Photography:
Signs of the Times
Harold Dawkins Photography:
Cooling Waters
Harold Dawkins Photography:
Harold Dawkins Photography:
Running Fast
Harold Dawkins Photography:
Traveling Slow
Harold Dawkins Photography:
Winding Creek
Harold Dawkins Photography:
Paradise Cove
Harold Dawkins Photography:
Harold Dawkins Photography:
Turning of the Green
Harold Dawkins Photography:
A Meadow