Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: Outside every hospital...
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: LOVE this time of year :) #nofilter
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: My messy office bathed in late afternoon sun. #simplepleasures
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: Oooh... I've been before :).
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: Keeps getting better :)
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: I can't capture the flaming red with the iPhone. An outstanding sunset #sigh
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: Naranja #nofilter #sigh
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: Loving my new "same but different" business cards :)
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: Awwww #nofilter #sigh
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: SO gorgeous #nofilter #sigh
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: A whisp of pink after sunset #nofilter #sigh
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: Small girls, bubbles, and .... ACDC lol!!
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: Love my job :) granny watching the bride get ready. #sooc
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: Good morning Sydney! Another lovely day for a ... White wedding :)
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: Clean sunset #nofilter
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: Another stunning sky.....
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: This time with sunglasses off :) #nofilter
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: Watching Fergie playing rugby. Distracted by stunning skies #nofilter
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: Loving tonights' sunset .. And today's wedding <3
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: I couldn't let you miss out on tonight's sunset...
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: I hate when my view is polluted by advertisements. #nofilter
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: Eeek!! Breathtaking #nofilter
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: ...and then THIS!! #nofilter
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: Sunset peeking through #nofilter
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: Pretty in pink #nofilter
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: And just like that it's over.i think I can see more rain ahead though. #nofilter
Lumsdaine Photography / Fe: And here it is #nofilter