finteo: eyecup
finteo: camera Bag D3
finteo: SAF
finteo: Layers_small
finteo: fly_small
finteo: sky
finteo: I see Red
finteo: Dying
finteo: Middle Earth
finteo: The day I met Dolly
finteo: south wind
finteo: redness_small
finteo: small
finteo: SongBird_small
finteo: Lady Gold_small
finteo: HE_small
finteo: Water_small
finteo: I can Dance_small
finteo: Nov_sky_small
finteo: Zeiss 35mm at F2 test (hand held).
finteo: Zeiss 35mm at F2 test (hand held).
finteo: Yosemite on Fires
finteo: Morning in Yosemite
finteo: Give me the light I need.
finteo: _RAW6385
finteo: _RAW6848
finteo: _RAW8242
finteo: PC (9)
finteo: PC
finteo: 500 GB (7200) and 150 GB (100000)