fintbo: dermot crashes out
fintbo: eugene outfit No. 1
fintbo: eugene outfit No. 2
fintbo: Eugene outfit No. 3 (behind that head!)
fintbo: alan unmasks the ghosts
fintbo: Eugene outfit No. 4... a good night's work really
fintbo: ghosts and a microphone
fintbo: rose wonders how much more she can drink
fintbo: tom and fintan find a massive bra on the beach
fintbo: tom is angry because he hasnt got two beers in his hands
fintbo: darren just can't get rid of that raving lunatic behind him
fintbo: yes, that is our fridge IN our bathroom
fintbo: mausey starts trying women's clothes on again
fintbo: and richy's mammy never knew he smoked
fintbo: my first board... 7'6", 21", 2 3/4" in case you wanted to know
fintbo: Darren is just too cool for bondi!