Fintan: Editing now in MBT
Fintan: View comments with ease
Fintan: It's easy to spot when comments have been made
Fintan: A dashboard gives you a quick overview
Fintan: Results print quite nicely
Fintan: Final Edition - now on the home page
Fintan: Lovely 'inform your friends' form
Fintan: How to make a 'tour'
Fintan: Lovely breadcrums for easy navigation
Fintan: A tour lets users get to grips with the software quickly
Fintan: Now you can download your data in a beautuful, universal CSV format
Fintan: Making graphs with your downloaded CSV data is dead quick
Fintan: An early version of the dashboard
Fintan: Individual results are a revolution in online surveys... sorta
Fintan: Inline bar graphs - more great thinking there
Fintan: Nice little icons on the contol bar
Fintan: Absolutely beautiful login box
Fintan: What DID Rhiannon say??
Fintan: Textual responses are displayed very nicely
Fintan: Early results shot
Fintan: Respond!
Fintan: Take that lovely test
Fintan: Beautiful, streamlined header