finny_1603 :o) too little time for the good things:
Elephant vor dem Naturkundemuseum in Wien
finny_1603 :o) too little time for the good things:
finny_1603 :o) too little time for the good things:
Zentral Friedhof
finny_1603 :o) too little time for the good things:
finny_1603 :o) too little time for the good things:
Hochstrahlbrunnen, Wien
finny_1603 :o) too little time for the good things:
Was kommt nach dem Ende?
finny_1603 :o) too little time for the good things:
Meisterwerk des Christentums
finny_1603 :o) too little time for the good things:
Elfen sind überall
finny_1603 :o) too little time for the good things:
Woran denkst Du? What are you thinking?
finny_1603 :o) too little time for the good things:
Möge die Macht mit Euch sein, immer!