jason tinder: DSC00937
jason tinder: us and our plane
jason tinder: DSC00940
jason tinder: us and our plane
jason tinder: carnival spirit
jason tinder: out to the inside passage
jason tinder: a mystic fjord
jason tinder: logging scars
jason tinder: trees from granite
jason tinder: de havilland
jason tinder: DSC00941
jason tinder: mystic fjord fjord
jason tinder: mystic fjord
jason tinder: granite mystic fjord
jason tinder: granite fjord
jason tinder: granite fjord ice
jason tinder: mystic fjord waterfall
jason tinder: log jammed waterfall
jason tinder: log jammed waterfall
jason tinder: another mystic fjord seaplane
jason tinder: mystic fjord
jason tinder: mystic fjord
jason tinder: mystic fjord
jason tinder: mystic fjord
jason tinder: mystic fjord
jason tinder: mystic fjord
jason tinder: mystic fjord
jason tinder: banking in for a fjord landing
jason tinder: banking in for a fjord landing
jason tinder: landing in a Mystic Fjord