sure2talk: now and then 1/12/A
sure2talk: taivas resolves....... no more up-dressing 1/12/B
sure2talk: winter morning 2/12/A
sure2talk: did you want me? 2/12/B
sure2talk: moods 3/12/A
sure2talk: forest walk 3/12/B
sure2talk: reflective reflection 3/12/C
sure2talk: birthday girl 3/12/D
sure2talk: peeking 4/12/A
sure2talk: daisy days 4/12/B
sure2talk: someone.......... 5/12/A
sure2talk: shadow play 5/12/B
sure2talk: oh I do like to be beside the seaside 5/12/C
sure2talk: fan club 6/12/A
sure2talk: words & pictures 6/12/B
sure2talk: E T rides again 7/12/A
sure2talk: imagine 7/12/B
sure2talk: she's got rhythm 8/12/A
sure2talk: blooming purple 8/12/B
sure2talk: heaven's touch 9/12/A
sure2talk: soft, strong and very long 9/12/B
sure2talk: if you go down to the woods today 10/12/A
sure2talk: close up 10/12/B
sure2talk: spelling class 10/12/C
sure2talk: good morning, sunshine 10/12/D
sure2talk: catching her dreams 11/12/A
sure2talk: wide world 11/12/B
sure2talk: if I could read your mind dear..... 12/12/A
sure2talk: frosty 12/12/B
sure2talk: ho ho ho 12/12/C