Fine Gael: Westport8
Fine Gael: Westport15
Fine Gael: Westport
Fine Gael: Westport
Fine Gael: Westport8 (1)
Fine Gael: Westport5
Fine Gael: Westport1
Fine Gael: Michael Ring TD
Fine Gael: Westport3
Fine Gael: Michael Ring
Fine Gael: Campaign Trail - Mayo
Fine Gael: Campaign Trail - Mayo
Fine Gael: Campaign Trail - Mayo
Fine Gael: Campaign Trail - Mayo
Fine Gael: Campaign Trail - Mayo
Fine Gael: Campaign Trail - Mayo
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Manifesto Launch
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Manifesto Launch
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Manifesto Launch
Fine Gael: Varadkar - press briefing following the publication of the Infrastructure and Capital Investment 2012 – 2016
Fine Gael: Minister of State Michael Ring TD at Ard Fheis 2012
Fine Gael: Minister of State Michael Ring TD at Ard Fheis 2012
Fine Gael: Michael Ring, Minister of State for Tourism & Sport announced €30 million of new sports capital funding
Fine Gael: Michael Ring, Minister of State for Tourism & Sport announced €30 million of new sports capital funding
Fine Gael: Michael Ring, Minister of State for Tourism & Sport announced €30 million of new sports capital funding
Fine Gael: Michael Ring, Minister of State for Tourism & Sport announced €30 million of new sports capital funding
Fine Gael: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD, Minister Michael Ring TD, Senator Eamonn Coghlan and sport stars at the Aviva Stadium calling for a YES vote in the Stability Treaty Referendum
Fine Gael: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD, Minister Michael Ring TD, Senator Eamonn Coghlan and sport stars at the Aviva Stadium calling for a YES vote in the Stability Treaty Referendum
Fine Gael: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD, Ministers, TDs and Senators join with sport stars at the Aviva Stadium calling for a YES vote in the Stability Treaty Referendum
Fine Gael: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD and Minister Michael Ring TD at the Sportstars for Yes event in the Aviva Stadium