Fine Gael: Mary Mitchell OConnor
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Launches General Election Campaign
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Election Rally
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Election Rally
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Election Rally
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Election Rally
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Election Rally
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Election Rally
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Election Rally
Fine Gael: Mary Mitchell-O'Connor TD at Ard Fheis 2012
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Stability Treaty Campaign Launch
Fine Gael: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD, Ministers Lucinda Creighton TD and Frances Fitzgerald TD, Mary Mitchell-O'Connor TD, Senator Imelda Henry at launch of the Women for Yes website
Fine Gael: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD and Ministers Lucinda Creighton TD and Frances Fitzgerald TD and Mary Mitchell-O'Connor TD at the 100x100 Women for a Yes Vote
Fine Gael: Mary Mitchell-O'Connor TD speaking at the 100x100 Women for a Yes Vote
Fine Gael: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD, Minister Frances Fitzgerald TD and Mary Mitchell-O'Connor at the 100x100 Women for a Yes Vote
Fine Gael: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD and Mary Mitchell-O'Connor TD at the 100x100 Women for a Yes Vote
Fine Gael: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD, Mary Mitchell-O'Connor TD and Senator Imelda Henry at the 100x100 Women for a Yes Vote
Fine Gael: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD and Mary Mitchell-O'Connor TD at the 100x100 Women for a Yes Vote
Fine Gael: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD and Mary Mitchell-O'Connor TD at the 100x100 Women for a Yes Vote
Fine Gael: Minister Frances Fitzgerald TD, Mary Mitchell-O'Connor TD and Forrmer Minister Nora Owen at the joint 'Women for Yes' event
Fine Gael: Mary Mitchell-O'Connor TD at the joint 'Women for Yes' event
Fine Gael: Ministers Lucinda Creighton TD, Joan Burton TD and Fine Gael and Labour TDs and Senators at the joint 'Women for Yes' event
Fine Gael: Ministers Lucinda Creighton TD, Joan Burton TD and Fine Gael and Labour TDs and Senators at the joint 'Women for Yes' event
Fine Gael: Ministers Lucinda Creighton TD, Joan Burton TD and Mary Mitchell-O'Connor TD at the joint 'Women for Yes' event
Fine Gael: Ministers Lucinda Creighton TD, Joan Burton TD, Mary Mitchell-O'Connor TD and guests at the joint 'Women for Yes' event
Fine Gael: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD with party representatives and YFG members at the Stability Treaty Rally in the Mansion House, Dublin
Fine Gael: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny with Ministers and TD's at Fine Gael's launch of their Children's Referendum Campaign.
Fine Gael: Cross-Party Oireachtas members for YES
Fine Gael: Cross-Party Oireachtas members for YES
Fine Gael: Cross-Party Oireachtas members for YES