Fine Gael: Regina Doherty
Fine Gael: Campaign Trail- Meath
Fine Gael: Regina Doherty TD speaking at Ard Fheis 2012
Fine Gael: Regina Doherty TD speaking at Ard Fheis 2012
Fine Gael: Regina Doherty TD speaking at Ard Fheis 2012
Fine Gael: Regina Doherty TD speaking at Ard Fheis 2012
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Stability Treaty Campaign Launch
Fine Gael: Ministers Lucinda Creighton TD, Joan Burton TD and Fine Gael and Labour TDs and Senators at the joint 'Women for Yes' event
Fine Gael: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny & Minister for Children & Youth Affairs Frances Fitzgerald with members of Oireachtas Health Committee (L to R) Senator Colm Burke, Regina Doherty T.D. Jerry Buttimer T.D. (Chair of Health Committee) & Peter Fitzpatrick T.D.
Fine Gael: Regina Doherty TD
Fine Gael: Helen McEntee, Minister Noonan and Regina Doherty TD
Fine Gael: Helen McEntee, Minister Noonan and Regina Doherty Td
Fine Gael: Helen McEntee, Minister Noonan and REgina Doherty TD
Fine Gael: Helen McEntee, Minister Noonan and Regina Doherty
Fine Gael: Minister Noonan and Regina Doherty TD
Fine Gael: An Taoiseach on the Campaign Trail with Helen McEntee