Fine Gael: FG TD Alan Shatter celebrates 25 years in politics MAX2
Fine Gael: Fg P.Conf Alan Shatter
Fine Gael: Launch of the Report of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Constitutional Amendment on Children
Fine Gael: Alan Shatter TD
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Dublin Canvass
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Dublin Canvass
Fine Gael: Alan Shatter
Fine Gael: Minister Alan Shatter - doorstep on new Gambling Bill
Fine Gael: Ministers Shatter, Hogan and Varadkar at launch of WInter Ready Information Campaign
Fine Gael: photo Conference - "How to elect more women?"
Fine Gael: Ministers Phil Hogan TD, Leo Varadkar TD and Alan Shatter TD at Ard Fheis 2012
Fine Gael: Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter TD at Ard Fheis 2012
Fine Gael: Ministers Leo Varadkar TD and Alan Shatter TD at Ard Fheis 2012
Fine Gael: Seán Kelly MEP and Ministers Alan Shatter TD and Richard Bruton TD at Ard Fheis 2012
Fine Gael: Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter TD at Ard Fheis 2012
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Stability Treaty Campaign Launch
Fine Gael: Fine Gael Stability Treaty Campaign Launch
Fine Gael: Minister Alan Shatter TD and Olivia Mitchell TD at a public meeting on the Stability Treaty in Dublin South
Fine Gael: Minister Alan Shatter TD at a public meeting on the Stability Treaty in Dublin South
Fine Gael: Minister Alan Shatter TD speaking at a public meeting on the Stability Treaty in Dublin South
Fine Gael: Minister Alan Shatter TD at a public meeting on the Stability Treaty in Dublin South
Fine Gael: Minister James Reilly TD, Alan Shatter TD, Lucinda Creighton TD and Leo Varadkar TD at the Stability Treaty Rally in the Mansion House, Dublin
Fine Gael: Minister Alan Shatter TD, Leo Varadkar TD and Lucinda Creighton TD at the Stability Treaty Rally in the Mansion House, Dublin
Fine Gael: Ministers Frances Fitzgerald TD, Alan Shatter TD, Leo Varadkar TD and Lucinda Creighton TD at the Stability Treaty Rally in the Mansion House, Dublin
Fine Gael: Ministers Alan Shatter TD, Leo Varadkar TD and Lucinda Creighton TD at the Stability Treaty Rally in the Mansion House, Dublin
Fine Gael: Ministers Frances Fitzgerald TD and Alan Shatter TD at the Stability Treaty Rally in the Mansion House, Dublin
Fine Gael: Minister Frances Fitzgerald TD speaking at the Stability Treaty Rally in the Mansion House, Dublin
Fine Gael: President of YFG Patrick Molloy speaking at the Stability Treaty Rally in the Mansion House, Dublin