portableantiquities: The Roman gold coin hoard from near St Albans, Hertfordshire
portableantiquities: Iron Age Helmet and Brooch cremation burial from near Canterbury, Kent
portableantiquities: Viking silver hoard from Bedale area, North Yorkshire
portableantiquities: Copper-alloy boar mount from the Thames foreshore (London)
portableantiquities: Neil McGregor introducing Ed Vaizey
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey launching the reports
portableantiquities: Julia Farley explaining the finer points of the Iron Age burial
portableantiquities: Andrew Richardson showing the near Canterbury Iron Age burial to guests
portableantiquities: Iron Age Helmet and brooch from near Canterbury
portableantiquities: Andrew Richardson and Sam Moorhead
portableantiquities: Sam Moorhead in front of the Portable Antiquities Scheme panel in Room 2 at the British Museum
portableantiquities: Lord Renfrew is shown the Roman gold coins from near St Albans by Sam Moorhead
portableantiquities: Sam Moorhead and Janet Davies
portableantiquities: Sam Moorhead holds court
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey is introduced to Stuart Campbell, finder of the Bedale Viking Hoard, by Gareth Williams
portableantiquities: Dan Goldborne views the Viking Hoard
portableantiquities: Michael Lewis shows the Thames boar mount to Anna Payne and reporters
portableantiquities: The reverse of the Thames boar mount
portableantiquities: Michael Lewis examining the bronze Boar Mount of Richard III found on the Thames foreshore, London
portableantiquities: Dan Pett (eyes closed!) and Tim Schadla-Hall
portableantiquities: Trevor Austin and Tim Pestell share a chat