portableantiquities: Early Medieval rings
portableantiquities: Medieval locket
portableantiquities: Wickham Market Iron Age coin hoard
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey through the crowds
portableantiquities: Caroline and Harriet
portableantiquities: The landowners of the Wickham Market Hoard
portableantiquities: Erotic Roman knife handle
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey introduces the report
portableantiquities: Antony Lee explains about the handle
portableantiquities: Ian Richardson and Norman Palmer
portableantiquities: Helen Loughlin, Andrew Burnett, Peter Wilson and Helen Geake
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey with his report copy
portableantiquities: Erotic knife handle
portableantiquities: Erotic knife handle
portableantiquities: Antony with his stash of reports for his museum
portableantiquities: Caroline Barton and Andrew Basham
portableantiquities: Landowner of the Wickham Market hoard with Ian Leins, Iron Age coin curator
portableantiquities: Vaizey and MacGregor looking rather washed out from the flash
portableantiquities: Neil MacGregor looks at the Saxon rings