portableantiquities: Frome Carausius
portableantiquities: Northern Ireland bracelet
portableantiquities: American gold coins
portableantiquities: Northern Ireland bracelet (detail)
portableantiquities: Nether Stowey hoard
portableantiquities: Frome group
portableantiquities: Frome group close up
portableantiquities: London carriage
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey handles the Nether Stowey hoard
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey, Michael Lewis, Geoff Egan and the finder of the carriage
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey with Michael Lewis, Deputy Head of the Scheme
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey looks at the minature carriage
portableantiquities: Geoff Egan explains about Nether Stowey
portableantiquities: Geoff Egan explains about Nether Stowey
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey reading the Nether Stowey hoard label
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey with bracelet
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey moves to pickup the bracelet
portableantiquities: Caroline Barton explains to Ed Vaizey about the bracelet
portableantiquities: Caroline Lyons holds the bracelet
portableantiquities: The carriage from the Thames foreshore
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey and Dave Crisp talk about the hoard
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey and Dave Crisp
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey and Dave Crisp
portableantiquities: Caroline Barton, Caroline Lyons and media star, Ben Roberts
portableantiquities: Neil MacGregor looks at the Scheme case in gallery 41
portableantiquities: Tim Schadla-Hall and Andrew Burnett
portableantiquities: Neil MacGregor introducing Ed Vaizey
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey explaining about MLA/ACE merger
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey explaining about MLA/ACE merger
portableantiquities: Ed Vaizey annoucing the transfer