portableantiquities: Ian Richardson in P&E student's room library
portableantiquities: Hoard laid out in basement of P&E
portableantiquities: Terry Herbert (finder) and Caroline Lyons (Treasure Team)
portableantiquities: Deep in study for the valuation process
portableantiquities: Terry Herbert looks at his hoard
portableantiquities: Terry points out a fragment to Duncan
portableantiquities: Duncan Slarke looking at part of the hoard
portableantiquities: Sonia Marzinzik explains about an object
portableantiquities: Conservation at work
portableantiquities: Conservation at work
portableantiquities: Sheer volume of the hoard is amazing
portableantiquities: Treasure Team Staffs 016
portableantiquities: Conservator at work
portableantiquities: Conservation at work
portableantiquities: Close up of hoard laid out on table for valuation
portableantiquities: The hoard laid out ready for valuation
portableantiquities: Caroline Lyons and Ian Richarsdon laying out objects
portableantiquities: Sonia laying out pieces
portableantiquities: Treasure team proudly display the objects fit in a cupboard!
portableantiquities: Cupboard 1 filled
portableantiquities: Unloading the van that delivered the hoard for valuation
portableantiquities: Philippa Walton looks at the cross
portableantiquities: Team PAS sees the hoard
portableantiquities: The hoard's cross packed up
portableantiquities: Cupboard 2
portableantiquities: First go at filling the cupboard
portableantiquities: Pieces of the hoard laid out
portableantiquities: Examining the objects for valuation
portableantiquities: Ian Richardson, Janina Parol, Caroline Barton and Caroline Lyons laying out the hoard
portableantiquities: Jack Ogden and his jeweller's piece