portableantiquities: Cleaning the roof
portableantiquities: The Totem pole being raised
portableantiquities: Cleaning the roof
portableantiquities: The Totem pole being raised
portableantiquities: Success as the two parts are located properly
portableantiquities: Getting the two parts to marry up.
portableantiquities: Almost there
portableantiquities: The two parts are craned into the right position
portableantiquities: Almost there
portableantiquities: Will the crane touch the roof?
portableantiquities: Bringing the Totem to a vertical plane
portableantiquities: The lifting area in the North East corner
portableantiquities: The lifting area
portableantiquities: The Treasure team!
portableantiquities: The Totem awaits the siting of the top portion
portableantiquities: People from around the Museum watch
portableantiquities: Miss Barton enjoyed the experience
portableantiquities: The drumming and chants begin
portableantiquities: Lifting underway
portableantiquities: Raising the Totem
portableantiquities: Raising the Totem
portableantiquities: Vertical lift starts
portableantiquities: Twisting lift as it is swung around the crane's axis
portableantiquities: The Totem approaches us on the East staircase of the Great Court