portableantiquities: Mark Wood
portableantiquities: Estelle Morris
portableantiquities: Estelle Morris with the Wheathampstead hoard
portableantiquities: Mike Heyworth with finder Corinne Mills
portableantiquities: Chief Executive of MLA with former keeper of Prehistory
portableantiquities: Neil MacGregor with Corinne Mills.
portableantiquities: Roger Bland gives welcome speech
portableantiquities: A pair of directors
portableantiquities: Roger Bland with Andrew Selkirk, Current Archaeology
portableantiquities: Lesley Webster with Corinne Mills
portableantiquities: The runic fragment held by Caroline Barton, assistant Treasure registrar
portableantiquities: The Director of the BM and the previous keeper of Prehistory with Alan Goldbourn
portableantiquities: Tim Schadla-Hall and Colin Renfrew
portableantiquities: The Long nosed hound from the Isle of Wight
portableantiquities: The Long nosed hound from the Isle of Wight
portableantiquities: David Lammy talks to the press
portableantiquities: David Lammy with the Newark Torc
portableantiquities: Portable Antiquities Staff caught on camera
portableantiquities: Mark Wood and Chris Batt, MLA
portableantiquities: Jon Pratty, Mark Wood, Neil MacGregor
portableantiquities: Neil MacGregor chats with staff of the BM and press.