Living Oceans Society:
Our Coast. Our Decision!
Living Oceans Society:
En route to the rally
Living Oceans Society:
Joint Review Panel hearings, Comox BC
Living Oceans Society:
Over 2000 people gathered for the No Tankers rally in Comox, BC outside the review panel hearing
Living Oceans Society:
A Pox on Enbridge :P
Living Oceans Society:
Don't bury your head in the tar sands
Living Oceans Society:
No Pipeline. No Tankers. So No Problem.
Living Oceans Society:
Oil and Water Don't Mix
Living Oceans Society:
Representing in his blue scarf
Living Oceans Society:
Super Natural BS
Living Oceans Society:
Pipelines make me crabby
Living Oceans Society:
Oil spill companies consider a 15% of cleanup of oil spills successful.
Living Oceans Society:
After rally session