Living Oceans Society: The Nadleh Whut'en Traditional Performers.
Living Oceans Society: Members of the Haisla accept the copper sheild from the Gitga'at.
Living Oceans Society: The Gitga'at honoured the Haisla for cohosting the event with a traditional copper shield.
Living Oceans Society: The seafood feast!
Living Oceans Society: 16' billboard collaboratively created by the environmental groups working to stop Enbridge.
Living Oceans Society: T-shirts worn by many of the gatherers.
Living Oceans Society: A crowd gathers at the billboard unveiling.
Living Oceans Society: Members of the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council top off the unveiling with an impromtu performance.
Living Oceans Society: The days festivities started with the arrival of stand-up paddle boarder Norm Hann.
Living Oceans Society: The welcome scene for Hann who just completed a 385 km paddle through the Great Bear Rainforest along the proposed tanker route.
Living Oceans Society: Hann approaches the marina.
Living Oceans Society: Rounding the last bend.
Living Oceans Society: Members of the Haisla welcome Hann back to dry land.
Living Oceans Society: Kitimaat Village is across the channel from Enbridge's proposed marine terminal.
Living Oceans Society: The completed billboard - finished at dusk on the eve of the gathering.
Living Oceans Society: Members of the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council show their support with a traditional song.
Living Oceans Society: Hundreds gathered to hear from First Nations chiefs, renowned oil toxicologist Riki Ott, and even David Suzuki.
Living Oceans Society: Dolores Pollard of the Haisla, Art Sterritt of the Coastal First Nations and Ernie Hill Jr. and Clare Hill of the Gitga'at thank the crowd for attending.
Living Oceans Society: Hann the infamous paddleboarder.
Living Oceans Society: By evening nearly 1,000 people stood united in Kitimaat Village vowing to stop the Enbridge project.