Financial Times photos:
Gillian Tett and Jurek Martin
Financial Times photos:
Shawn Donnan and Alex Glancz
Financial Times photos:
Lionel Barber, Congressman Mike Turner and Majida Mourad
Financial Times photos:
Mike Allen and Congressman Darrell Issa
Financial Times photos:
Demetri Sevastopulo, Majida Mourad and Mike Turner
Financial Times photos:
Elizabeth Drew, Lionel Barber and Sally Quinn
Financial Times photos:
Mike Turner, Majida Mourad and Darrell Issa
Financial Times photos:
Darcy Keller and Chris Kormis
Financial Times photos:
Lionel Barber, Megan Murphy and Gillian Tett
Financial Times photos:
Lionel Barber
Financial Times photos:
Lionel Barber
Financial Times photos:
Megan Murphy and Gillian Tett
Financial Times photos:
Lionel Barber and Megan Murphy
Financial Times photos:
Kathy Kemper and Megan Murphy
Financial Times photos:
Lionel Barber and Sir Peter Westmacott
Financial Times photos:
Ambassador Peter Wittig and Megan Murphy
Financial Times photos:
Kathy Kemper
Financial Times photos:
Elizabeth Drew, Ryann Gastwirth and Congressman Sandy Levin
Financial Times photos:
Congressman Sandy Levin and Lionel Barber
Financial Times photos:
Congressman Sandy Levin, Shawn Donnan and Lionel Barber