filteredout: it was windy and loud and very high
filteredout: running toward the super stallion
filteredout: CH-46E Sea Knight
filteredout: some perspective
filteredout: i need to polish my boots
filteredout: about 700 meters up
filteredout: bait on a line
filteredout: i wonder what H stands for...
filteredout: lifting off
filteredout: higher up
filteredout: camp from above
filteredout: hear that thunder
filteredout: team lounging
filteredout: inside the A
filteredout: terrain mock-up
filteredout: target after
filteredout: target before
filteredout: NVG scope
filteredout: nightfire
filteredout: land nav course ( i think )
filteredout: rifle trees
filteredout: jaime gonna DIE!
filteredout: jaime with the SAW
filteredout: me firing the M249 SAW
filteredout: fireteam 1
filteredout: yeah that's right...
filteredout: jaime and me
filteredout: my cabinet