filosofiflickan: Welcome dear magnolia
filosofiflickan: ...and happy animals
filosofiflickan: An excursion to Susanne's garden
filosofiflickan: ...discovering shadows and spring flowers
filosofiflickan: Spring is magic!
filosofiflickan: New picture, new flowers
filosofiflickan: My waitingforthebusview
filosofiflickan: Efterlängtat vårtecken
filosofiflickan: Vår ute, vår inne, vår i hjärta, vår i sinne
filosofiflickan: In love with my polaroid
filosofiflickan: Välkomna älskade videungar
filosofiflickan: Frühlingsboten
filosofiflickan: A walk full of beauty after a stupid day at work
filosofiflickan: So much beauty all over
filosofiflickan: I keep on saying this about every season, but spring really is the best time of the year
filosofiflickan: Som en sprödbakad spätta
filosofiflickan: Hej svejs!
filosofiflickan: March twenty-ninth
filosofiflickan: Tulpanerna är alltid färggladare på andra sidan buskarna
filosofiflickan: Yesterday´s favorite
filosofiflickan: I really needed this walk, greeting the cats and smelling the flowers
filosofiflickan: The color of happiness
filosofiflickan: This cat could probably taught me a few things about mindfulness. And laziness.