figurita_nl: Weddings
figurita_nl: Loving the camera I
figurita_nl: Loving the camera II
figurita_nl: Loving the camera III
figurita_nl: Celine B&W
figurita_nl: Blue monday
figurita_nl: The Beach
figurita_nl: Beauty
figurita_nl: Reaching out to you
figurita_nl: A beautiful day
figurita_nl: Lady with the hat
figurita_nl: Lady with the hat
figurita_nl: Disturbia
figurita_nl: Film Noir still
figurita_nl: sorry, you were saying?
figurita_nl: Fountain Pen
figurita_nl: Cinderella I
figurita_nl: Cinderella II
figurita_nl: Avedon tryout
figurita_nl: A beautiful find
figurita_nl: On the stairs
figurita_nl: Playing with lines
figurita_nl: Playing with lines
figurita_nl: Playing with lines
figurita_nl: Playing with lines
figurita_nl: Guilty
figurita_nl: Springtime