Figurine: sunflower
Figurine: rockette
Figurine: garlic
Figurine: tomato flowering
Figurine: strong armed string beans
Figurine: sunflower
Figurine: zukini flowers
Figurine: incubator
Figurine: strawberry flower
Figurine: growth
Figurine: cactus flower
Figurine: wrong landing
Figurine: ode to zokaya's lettuce
Figurine: cactus flower
Figurine: cactus flower
Figurine: before the bloom
Figurine: rosemary tree
Figurine: cherry tomato
Figurine: another cactus bloom
Figurine: the cactus flower after two days
Figurine: soon to be passion fruit
Figurine: one red cherry tomato
Figurine: cyclamen... many seasons