Figgles1: School of small fish
Figgles1: Crested morwong
Figgles1: Crested morwong
Figgles1: Tubeworm
Figgles1: School of small fish
Figgles1: Red-mouthed ascidian
Figgles1: Tubeworms and coral
Figgles1: School of fish near the bottom
Figgles1: Asidican, tubeworm and German's Blenny
Figgles1: Ascidian
Figgles1: Crustacean legs
Figgles1: Hard to see juvenile leatherjacket
Figgles1: Hard to see juvenile leatherjacket
Figgles1: Big school of small fish
Figgles1: Soft corals
Figgles1: Gobbleguts
Figgles1: Seascape at Sue's Groyne
Figgles1: Rubbish
Figgles1: Big school of small fish
Figgles1: Lots of fishing line
Figgles1: Fish
Figgles1: Sponge?
Figgles1: Sea nettle
Figgles1: Sea nettle
Figgles1: Sea tulip
Figgles1: Blurry blowies and a banded sweep
Figgles1: Red netted nudibranch
Figgles1: Red netted nudibranch
Figgles1: Red netted nudibranch
Figgles1: Red netted nudibranch