Figgles1: Heading down to the barrier
Figgles1: Slight break on the southern side of the barrier
Figgles1: Slight break on the southern side of the barrier
Figgles1: Salmon outside the barrier
Figgles1: Beer bottle on the barrier
Figgles1: Blue boxfish
Figgles1: School of fish on the barrier
Figgles1: School of fish on the barrier
Figgles1: Clearer patch on the barrier
Figgles1: Red-striped cardinalfish at the southern pylon
Figgles1: Barnacles on the barrier
Figgles1: Marine growth on the monitoring panels
Figgles1: Blue boxfish
Figgles1: Marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: False Tasmanian Blenny hiding in the marine growth
Figgles1: False Tasmanian Blenny hiding in the marine growth
Figgles1: Marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Red-striped cardinalfish and a wavy grubfish
Figgles1: Spotted jellyfish
Figgles1: Spotted jellyfish
Figgles1: Marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Ascidian on the barrier
Figgles1: Blue boxfish
Figgles1: Blue boxfish
Figgles1: Blue boxfish
Figgles1: Marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Blue boxfish
Figgles1: Blue boxfish