Figgles1: In the water
Figgles1: Balloon fragment
Figgles1: Tarwhine on the barrier
Figgles1: Southern edge of the barrier
Figgles1: Big octopus on the South Pole
Figgles1: Big octopus on the South Pole
Figgles1: Steven
Figgles1: Tiny fish
Figgles1: Blurry blennies on the South Pole
Figgles1: Sea cucumber on the south pole
Figgles1: Boxfish and blowfish
Figgles1: Shy boxfish
Figgles1: Boxfish
Figgles1: Boxfish
Figgles1: Barrier maintenance work
Figgles1: Trumpeter
Figgles1: Barrier maintenance crew
Figgles1: Barrier maintenance crew
Figgles1: Barrier maintenance workboat
Figgles1: Boxfish
Figgles1: Drink can
Figgles1: Andy
Figgles1: Bad visibility
Figgles1: Boxfish
Figgles1: Boxfish
Figgles1: Drink can
Figgles1: Andy
Figgles1: Tarwhine
Figgles1: Tarwhine