Figgles1: Spectators at the WMRT Freo
Figgles1: World Match Racing Tour Bathers Beach Fremantle
Figgles1: Pontoon for WMRT team transfers
Figgles1: Big screen for live close ups WMRT Freo
Figgles1: Flags on the boardwalk for WMRT Freo
Figgles1: Flags on the boardwalk for WMRT Freo
Figgles1: Big screen for live close ups WMRT Freo
Figgles1: M32 Catamaran specifications
Figgles1: Flags on the boardwalk for WMRT Freo
Figgles1: Flags on the boardwalk for WMRT Freo
Figgles1: Flags on the boardwalk for WMRT Freo
Figgles1: WMRT racing off Bathers Beach
Figgles1: WMRT racing off Bathers Beach
Figgles1: WMRT racing off Bathers Beach
Figgles1: WMRT racing off Bathers Beach
Figgles1: Crew transfer from the pontoon
Figgles1: Crew transfer from the pontoon
Figgles1: WMRT racing off Bathers Beach
Figgles1: WMRT racing off Bathers Beach
Figgles1: Flags of the nations
Figgles1: WMRT racing off Bathers Beach
Figgles1: Steve checking the leaderboard
Figgles1: WMRT crew
Figgles1: WMRT racing off Bathers Beach
Figgles1: Crew transfer from the pontoon
Figgles1: WMRT racing off Freo - and a car carrier departing the harbour
Figgles1: Watching the WMRT Freo
Figgles1: Watching the WMRT Freo
Figgles1: Watching the WMRT Freo
Figgles1: WMRT final spectators