Figgles1: Duyfken out to sea
Figgles1: Vacamonte splits the fleet
Figgles1: Vacamonte splits the fleet
Figgles1: Vacamonte splits the fleet
Figgles1: Vacamonte splits the fleet
Figgles1: Vacamonte splits the fleet
Figgles1: Vacamonte splits the fleet
Figgles1: Wanda
Figgles1: Wanda
Figgles1: Ocean Outback
Figgles1: Ocean Outback
Figgles1: Vacamonte
Figgles1: Ocean Outback and twilight sailor
Figgles1: Ocean Outback
Figgles1: Ocean Outback and twilight sailor
Figgles1: Eufarria and Leeuwin II
Figgles1: Leeuwin II day sailing
Figgles1: The Cro Connection and two tugs pre start
Figgles1: Sun Princess in Fremantle
Figgles1: Celebrity Solstice in Freo
Figgles1: WMRT racing off Freo - and a car carrier departing the harbour
Figgles1: Ziguener and the Astor
Figgles1: Ziguener and the Astor
Figgles1: Ziguener and the Astor
Figgles1: Ziguener and the Astor
Figgles1: Ziguener and the Astor
Figgles1: Green and Red Wallenius Wilhelmson ships in Fremantle
Figgles1: Green and Red Wallenius Wilhelmson ships in Fremantle
Figgles1: Ship in the channel
Figgles1: Passing a ship in Gage Roads