Figgles1: Perfect day for a snorkel
Figgles1: Perfect under the water
Figgles1: Lots of marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Southern pylon
Figgles1: Stripey by the southern plyon
Figgles1: Stripey by the southern plyon
Figgles1: Lots of marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: School of tiny fish
Figgles1: Tarwhine through the barrier
Figgles1: Tarwhine through the barrier
Figgles1: Tarwhine and buffalo bream
Figgles1: Barrier base
Figgles1: Blue boxfish by the barrier
Figgles1: A friendly blenny in the barrier
Figgles1: A friendly blenny in the barrier
Figgles1: A friendly blenny in the barrier
Figgles1: A Friendly Blenny
Figgles1: Tarwhine on the barrier
Figgles1: Silver gull on Coogee Beach