Figgles1: Storms out to sea but fine over the barrier
Figgles1: My blue fins
Figgles1: Fish at the barrier
Figgles1: Coogee Eco Shark Barrier
Figgles1: Fish at the barrier
Figgles1: Tarwhine on the barrier
Figgles1: Marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Sea tulip
Figgles1: Seargent Major and jellyfish by the northern pylon
Figgles1: Seargent Major by the northern pylon
Figgles1: Seargent Major by the northern pylon
Figgles1: Prickly leatherjacket
Figgles1: Prickly leatherjacket
Figgles1: Stormy weather over the Coogee Eco Shark Barrier
Figgles1: Spot the stripey...
Figgles1: School of mullet by the barrier
Figgles1: Fish poo!
Figgles1: School of mullet by the barrier
Figgles1: School of mullet by the barrier
Figgles1: School of mullet by the barrier (and a blue boxfish)
Figgles1: Ascidian on the barrier
Figgles1: Stormy weather over the Coogee Eco Shark Barrier
Figgles1: Marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Blenny on the barrier
Figgles1: A pair of lacy pants...
Figgles1: Tarwhine by the barrier
Figgles1: Stormy weather over the Coogee Eco Shark Barrier
Figgles1: Swift moving blue manna crab