Figgles1: Rethink the Perth Freight Link
Figgles1: Rethink the Perth Freight Link
Figgles1: Gathering crowd at Bibra Lake
Figgles1: Bibra Lake - Beeliar Regional Park
Figgles1: Bibra Lake - Beeliar Regional Park
Figgles1: Bibra Lake
Figgles1: Bibra Lake
Figgles1: Plaque commemorating declaration of Bibra Lake as a recreation area in 1973
Figgles1: Plaque commemorating declaration of Bibra Lake as a recreation area in 1973
Figgles1: Bibra Lake
Figgles1: Bibra Lake
Figgles1: Nyungar group
Figgles1: Bibra Lake
Figgles1: Bibra Lake
Figgles1: Bike parking for the rally
Figgles1: Assembling for the rally
Figgles1: Bibra Lake Regional Playground sign
Figgles1: Assembling for the rally
Figgles1: Fremantle Road to Rail signage
Figgles1: Bibra Lake
Figgles1: Assembling for the rally
Figgles1: Wrong way go back no more Roe - flip cards
Figgles1: Wrong way go back no more Roe - flip cards
Figgles1: Wrong way go back no more Roe - flip cards
Figgles1: Wrong way go back no more Roe - flip cards
Figgles1: Wrong way go back no more Roe - flip cards
Figgles1: Wrong way go back no more Roe - flip cards
Figgles1: Crowd growing
Figgles1: Crowd growing
Figgles1: Uncle Noel Morrison welcomes us to country