Figgles1: A part of what the morning crew found
Figgles1: Sharon the shark guard's my coffee mug
Figgles1: Jellyfish and starfish
Figgles1: Starfish
Figgles1: Tarwhine
Figgles1: Tarwhine
Figgles1: Juvenile buffalo bream by the southern pylon
Figgles1: Juvenile buffalo bream by the southern pylon
Figgles1: Juvenile buffalo bream and stripeys by the southern pylon
Figgles1: Herring
Figgles1: Four batfish in a row
Figgles1: Four batfish in a row
Figgles1: Four batfish in a row
Figgles1: Test structure
Figgles1: Seabed inside the barrier
Figgles1: Herring by the barrier
Figgles1: Marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Snorkeling along the Coogee Eco Shark Barrier
Figgles1: Tarwhine
Figgles1: School of fish inside the barrier
Figgles1: New section of barrier
Figgles1: P1170131
Figgles1: A blenny in a barnacle
Figgles1: Sea tulip
Figgles1: Big schools of tarwhine
Figgles1: Big schools of tarwhine
Figgles1: Big schools of tarwhine
Figgles1: Feather star
Figgles1: Feather star