Figgles1: IMG_8650
Figgles1: IMG_8651
Figgles1: Ecco cultural paddle on the Serpentine
Figgles1: George Walley talking to us about Noongar history
Figgles1: George Walley talking to us about Noongar history
Figgles1: George Walley talking to us about Noongar history
Figgles1: George Walley talking to us about Noongar history
Figgles1: Our furthest upstream
Figgles1: Goegrup Lake
Figgles1: George tells us how to greet the river
Figgles1: Nesting pair of Osprey
Figgles1: Nesting pair of Osprey
Figgles1: Nesting pair of Osprey
Figgles1: Paddling on the Serpentine
Figgles1: Paddling on the Serpentine
Figgles1: George tells us about the fish traps and the crossing
Figgles1: George tells us about the fish traps and the crossing
Figgles1: Pinjarra Road bridge
Figgles1: Furthest downstream
Figgles1: Furthest downstream
Figgles1: George tells us about the fish traps and the crossing
Figgles1: Lagoon off the Serpentine
Figgles1: Noongar crossing place
Figgles1: Osprey with fish
Figgles1: Osprey with fish
Figgles1: Osprey with fish
Figgles1: Osprey with fish
Figgles1: Osprey with fish
Figgles1: Osprey with fish
Figgles1: Osprey with fish