Figgles1: A minion to start the day
Figgles1: Ready for a winter snorkel
Figgles1: Coogee Eco Shark Barrier
Figgles1: Coogee Eco Shark Barrier from beneath
Figgles1: Blue boxfish by the southern pylon
Figgles1: Blue boxfish by the southern pylon
Figgles1: Juvenile stripey by the southern pylon
Figgles1: Shaw's Cowfish
Figgles1: Shaw's Cowfish
Figgles1: Coogee Eco Shark Barrier
Figgles1: Coogee Eco Shark Barrier
Figgles1: Marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Ascidian and other growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Eco Shark Barrier anchor chain
Figgles1: Barnacles on the barrier
Figgles1: Andy removing a plastic bag from the seabed
Figgles1: Andy removing a plastic bag from the seabed
Figgles1: Anemone on the seabed
Figgles1: Anemone on the seabed
Figgles1: Chain at the barrier base
Figgles1: Mussel on the barrier
Figgles1: Mussel on the barrier
Figgles1: Sea Anemones on the Barrier
Figgles1: Marine growth on the barrier
Figgles1: Sea Anemones on the Barrier
Figgles1: Sea tulip
Figgles1: Sea Anemones on the Barrier
Figgles1: Diving to meet a Shaw's Cowfish