Figgles1: Leaving FSC for a picnic sail
Figgles1: Leaving FSC for a picnic sail
Figgles1: Motoring to Woodman Point
Figgles1: Highlander heading in as we head out
Figgles1: Motoring to Woodman Point
Figgles1: On the mooring
Figgles1: Picnic lunch on the mooring
Figgles1: On the mooring
Figgles1: On the mooring
Figgles1: Rain shower at Woodman Point
Figgles1: Rain shower at Woodman Point
Figgles1: On the mooring
Figgles1: On the mooring
Figgles1: On the mooring at Woodman Point
Figgles1: Cloud bank to the East
Figgles1: Sailing back to Fremantle
Figgles1: Sailing back to Fremantle
Figgles1: Sailing back to Fremantle
Figgles1: Clouds to the North West
Figgles1: Clouds to the North West
Figgles1: Clouds to the North West
Figgles1: Clouds to the North West
Figgles1: Clouds to the North West
Figgles1: Back to FSC