Figgles1: Ugg boots and neoprene!
Figgles1: Ugg boots and neoprene!
Figgles1: Assembling on the beach
Figgles1: In the water
Figgles1: Fish
Figgles1: Tailor
Figgles1: Southern side of the barrier
Figgles1: Plenty of life on the barrier
Figgles1: Plenty of life on the barrier
Figgles1: Blue boxfish on the southern side of the barrier
Figgles1: Blue boxfish on the southern side of the barrier
Figgles1: Blue boxfish on the southern side of the barrier
Figgles1: Blue boxfish on the southern side of the barrier
Figgles1: South western post of the barrier
Figgles1: South western post of the barrier
Figgles1: Looking north along the barrier
Figgles1: Barnacles and algae on the south western post
Figgles1: Barnacles and algae on the south western post
Figgles1: Tiny fish by the south western post
Figgles1: Barnacles and algae on the south western post
Figgles1: Sea anemones on the barrier
Figgles1: Sea anemones on the barrier
Figgles1: Sea anemones on the barrier
Figgles1: Sea anemones on the barrier
Figgles1: Sea anemones on the barrier
Figgles1: Sea anemones on the barrier
Figgles1: Barnacles and tubeworms on the barrier
Figgles1: Sea anemones on the barrier
Figgles1: Base of the barrier
Figgles1: Base of the barrier