Figgles1: Dolphins in Success Harbour
Figgles1: Dolphins in Success Harbour
Figgles1: Dolphins in Success Harbour
Figgles1: Dolphins in Success Harbour
Figgles1: Dolphin alongside as we leave the harbour
Figgles1: Dolphin alongside as we leave the harbour
Figgles1: Heading out to Garden Island
Figgles1: Motor sailing in Cockburn Sound
Figgles1: Motor sailing in Cockburn Sound
Figgles1: Pod of dolphins in Cockburn Sound
Figgles1: Channel mark G
Figgles1: Barge under tow in the shipping channel
Figgles1: Barge under tow in the shipping channel
Figgles1: Bird overhead - possibly a Cape Petrel
Figgles1: Bird overhead - possibly a Cape Petrel
Figgles1: Approaching Garden Island
Figgles1: Approaching the mooring
Figgles1: Approaching the mooring
Figgles1: Silver gull hoping for crumbs from lunch
Figgles1: Silver gull hoping for crumbs from lunch
Figgles1: Tangle of rope
Figgles1: Fishing for the rope
Figgles1: Fishing for the rope
Figgles1: Fishing for the rope
Figgles1: Fishing for the rope
Figgles1: Fishing for the rope
Figgles1: Caught it!
Figgles1: Caught it!
Figgles1: Caught it!
Figgles1: Winter sun on Cockburn Sound