Figgles1: Bagheera X
Figgles1: Success on station at the start
Figgles1: Rottnest in a heat mirage
Figgles1: Eufarria, Success and Windswept
Figgles1: Freddie Fudpucker
Figgles1: Elusive, Windswept, Eufarria and Red Shift
Figgles1: Clouds of mystery insects alighted on the boat and us
Figgles1: Clouds of mystery insects alighted on the boat and us
Figgles1: At the delayed start - Farr Fetched, Eufarria and Success
Figgles1: Farrlap and Aquila
Figgles1: Carnac inverted in a heat mirage
Figgles1: Valkyr
Figgles1: Seahawk
Figgles1: Itinerant and Seahawk
Figgles1: Bagheera X
Figgles1: Bagheera X
Figgles1: Seahawk
Figgles1: Eufarria
Figgles1: Freddie Fudpucker
Figgles1: Success leads us to a different start after a windshift