Figgles1: DeWaruci with the foretopmast down
Figgles1: DeWaruci with the foretopmast down
Figgles1: DeWaruci with the foretopmast down
Figgles1: DeWaruci with the foretopmast down
Figgles1: DeWaruci with the foretopmast down
Figgles1: DeWaruci with the foretopmast down and missing bowsprit
Figgles1: DeWaruci with the foretopmast down
Figgles1: Damaged main and mizzen masts on Dewaruci
Figgles1: Damaged mizzen top on DeWaruci
Figgles1: Damaged main on DeWaruci
Figgles1: DeWaruci
Figgles1: DeWaruci
Figgles1: DeWaruci with the foretopmast down and missing bowsprit
Figgles1: DeWaruci with the foretopmast down and missing bowsprit
Figgles1: DeWaruci with the foretopmast down
Figgles1: DeWaruci with the foretopmast down
Figgles1: Dewaruci's band in Pioneer Park Fremantle
Figgles1: Two cranes - repair work begins on Dewaruci
Figgles1: Two cranes - repair work begins on Dewaruci
Figgles1: Two cranes - repair work begins on Dewaruci
Figgles1: Two cranes - repair work begins on Dewaruci
Figgles1: Dewaruci's marching band
Figgles1: Dewaruci's marching band
Figgles1: Dewaruci's marching band
Figgles1: Dewaruci's marching band
Figgles1: Walrus drummer in Dewaruci's marching band
Figgles1: Frogman drummer in Dewaruci's marching band
Figgles1: Dewaruci's band leader
Figgles1: KRI Dewaruci
Figgles1: KRI Dewaruci