Figgles1: A pod of dolphins playing at the entrance of the Fremantle small boat harbours
Figgles1: A pod of dolphins playing at the entrance of the Fremantle small boat harbours
Figgles1: Anki and Papillon pre start
Figgles1: Tight start for division II
Figgles1: Dynamic returns
Figgles1: Eufarria becalmed
Figgles1: Eufarria becalmed
Figgles1: Eufarria becalmed
Figgles1: Motoring back after abandoning the race
Figgles1: A string of 420s being towed in
Figgles1: Fremantle Sailing club reflected in Success Harbour
Figgles1: Fremantle Sailing club reflected in Success Harbour