Figgles1: Pipedream III in the Cock of the Rock
Figgles1: Pipedream III in the Cock of the Rock
Figgles1: Balance
Figgles1: Balance
Figgles1: Rotto
Figgles1: Navigating with the iPad
Figgles1: Navigating with the iPad
Figgles1: Moonraker
Figgles1: Intension
Figgles1: Thomson Bay and Phillip Rock
Figgles1: Valkyr
Figgles1: Easter crowd on the moorings, Thomson Bay
Figgles1: P1070556
Figgles1: Joo Bok
Figgles1: Joo Bok
Figgles1: Joo Bok
Figgles1: Clipper Century
Figgles1: Clipper Century
Figgles1: Pipedream III Sailing back from Rotto
Figgles1: Chaotic finish to the Cock of the Rock
Figgles1: Chaotic finish to the Cock of the Rock
Figgles1: Chaotic finish to the Cock of the Rock
Figgles1: Chaotic finish to the Cock of the Rock
Figgles1: Cock of the Rock course