Miss Mita: Parade
Miss Mita: DSCN3364
Miss Mita: The Great Wall
Miss Mita: Niels at the Great Wall
Miss Mita: Me at the Great Wall
Miss Mita: DSCN3373
Miss Mita: The Great Wall
Miss Mita: Recovering
Miss Mita: On The Wall
Miss Mita: Great Wall
Miss Mita: Great Wall
Miss Mita: Great Wall
Miss Mita: Great Wall
Miss Mita: Great Wall
Miss Mita: Standing Guard
Miss Mita: Summer Palace
Miss Mita: Longevity Hill
Miss Mita: Kunming Lake
Miss Mita: Engagement Self-Portrait
Miss Mita: Place of Engagement
Miss Mita: Admiring the Scenery
Miss Mita: The Ancient & the Modern
Miss Mita: Summer Palace
Miss Mita: Overlook
Miss Mita: Summer Palace
Miss Mita: Summer Palace
Miss Mita: Summer Palace
Miss Mita: The Long Corridor
Miss Mita: Marble Boat
Miss Mita: Zhijing Pavilion