camillaeatsfiftyeggs: ADaD2O11:2O7/365
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: goodbye, my love
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: frost by the dying light of the midnight sun
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: so long, Frankie baby
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: sweet goodbye
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: ADaD2O211:1O5/365
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: eastern bound
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: the fonz has left the buliding
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: ADaD2O11:O65/365
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: bye bye, baby
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: see you in Alabama!
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: bye bye, Snicket
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: toodles, Olivia!
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: safe travels, Clementine!
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: are we there yet?!
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: ADaD2O11:242/365
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: for my own sanity and peace of mind...
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: ADaD2O11:317/365
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: ADaD2O11:331/365
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: ADaD2O11:338/365
camillaeatsfiftyeggs: this is it...