fifty3_photography: Where is my dinner!
fifty3_photography: Food exchange
fifty3_photography: WTK food exchange in the rain
fifty3_photography: Hand shake
fifty3_photography: Come and get it
fifty3_photography: Lunch on the go
fifty3_photography: I don't want your number, No, I don't want to give you mine...
fifty3_photography: C0356_Facebook_1_1_1_1
fifty3_photography: Hanging pin the rain
fifty3_photography: In the rain
fifty3_photography: White-tailed kite on perch
fifty3_photography: Making room for lunch
fifty3_photography: Last hunt of the day
fifty3_photography: Don’t stand too close to me
fifty3_photography: C0190_Facebook_1
fifty3_photography: A little bit of rain
fifty3_photography: WTK in the rain
fifty3_photography: A little bit of rain
fifty3_photography: WTK successful hunt
fifty3_photography: Kite in flight
fifty3_photography: Dinner time
fifty3_photography: Back to the nest
fifty3_photography: White kite eats