fifty3mi: Carriers was my landmarks
fifty3mi: Everyone looks like ants!
fifty3mi: Pell Bridge from 4K feet up.
fifty3mi: I can see my house from here.
fifty3mi: Block Island from 5K
fifty3mi: Hibachi Explosion
fifty3mi: Hibachi
fifty3mi: Now thats a burger!
fifty3mi: U of WT
fifty3mi: Liberty Call for Donald...
fifty3mi: Navy Seals, Dolphins, and now Ducks...
fifty3mi: Good morning
fifty3mi: Room with a view
fifty3mi: USS Cole
fifty3mi: Oh Canada!
fifty3mi: "But Chief....
fifty3mi: It's Florida people
fifty3mi: This frigate might fall off the edge
fifty3mi: Entertainment at the USO
fifty3mi: Meeting the President and First Lady
fifty3mi: The Obamas' with George
fifty3mi: All You Can Eat Sushi
fifty3mi: Vertigo
fifty3mi: Eye Level
fifty3mi: 333 Ft