FIFPro World Footballers' Association: FIFPro meets Egyptian Minister of Sport Taher Abouzaid
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: FIFPro Division Africa board and Egyptian Minister of Sport Taher Abouzaid
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: Egyptian Minister of Sport Taher Abouzaid
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: Egyptian Minister of Sport Taher Abouzaid and FIFPro Secretary General Theo van Seggelen
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: FIFPro Secretary General Theo van Seggelen
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: FIFPro Secretary General Theo van Seggelen
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: EPFA President Magdy Abdel Ghani and FIFPro Secretary General Theo van Seggelen
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: FUB Botswana-Kgosana Makaseng and Puso Motlhabane
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: UFC Democratic Republic Congo-Bate Sele Kamango, Dodo Landu Domo and Jean-Claude Mukanya
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: Synafoc Cameroon-David Mayébi
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: EFPA Egypt-Maged Al Nowar, Salah Abdel Fatah and Hany El Okabi
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: Mohamed Hany (EFPA Egypt)
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: AFI Ivory Coast-Cyrille Domoraud and Bintou Sarra Cissé
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: AMF Morocco-Mustapha El Hadaoui and Mohamed Harouane
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: NAFPU Namibia-Silvester Goraseb
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: SAFPU South Africa-Thulaganyo Gaoshubelwe
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: UNFT Tunisia-Mohsen Sbouai
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: FUZ Zimbabwe- Paul Gundani and Desmond Maringwa
FIFPro World Footballers' Association: Stéphane Burchkalter, Secretary General FIFPro Division Africa